Monday, June 7, 2010

Baseball Ready

Jake's coaches are wonderful. They expect a lot out of those boys, and are proud papas when they do well. They are fun and supportive, even when some of the boys forget what it is they are supposed to be doing out on that field.

Coach: "All Rockhounds are baseball ready ... except one."
Followed by a pointed look at Shortstop Jake, who was studying the clouds with his hands behind his back. Shortstop Jake didn't notice the problem until a ball flew right past him. Oops.

That's okay, buddy. Your cute face makes up for it. And your coaches think you're pretty great, too. They told me so.


Joyelle said...

too darn cute!! he looks so grown up nug! wow, where'd time go?

Susan said...

I'm sure he was really dealing with some pressing problem for the Qiddiks, it just looked like he was staring at the clouds.

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