Sunday, May 11, 2008

It's All My Fault

Well, first of all, Happy Mother's Day! I hope it's been a great one for all you great moms out there. I had a wonderful day, with sweet notes from my boys, french toast (my favorite) for breakfast, and lots of nice "quiet" (I use "quiet" very loosely here -- my home is never truly quiet) family time. We talked to both grandmothers and the great-grandmother, and my brother even called from rehab (don't worry, he's not a junky - he's in respiratory rehab to heal from some really serious pneumonia while at boot camp). All in all, a good day.

And now for my confession. I bring extreme weather. There, I said it. It feels good to have that out in the open.

It goes back to my days as a youth. Every year I brought severe storms with me to camp. Poor Grandmommy. She'd listen to the radio and hear about the severe thunderstorms and even once the tornado that accompanied us as we hiked the Appalachian Trail.

It continued as a young wife. When Dan and I moved to Dahlgren, we had never even heard of the place. Within a short time, however, Dahlgren started making the news. We spent a few afternoons and evenings in the downstairs bathroom, hiding from tornadoes. And then came Isabelle. She was a hurricane. That was fun...

It continued as a young mother. Cape Cod has a pretty mild climate, at least for Massachusetts. That's what they told me. Then they were all surprised when we had more than one blizzard that winter. Oh, and then there was the hurricane... Did you know that when a hurricane goes through the North Atlantic entire houses become encased in ice?

It continued as I became a West-Coaster (is that a word?). Seattle, although famous for its gray skies and rainy days, really is quite mild. So why did we experience so many crazy wind storms? And flooding? And the snow and ice that shut down the city for three days? I ditched the car and walked home during that one. Seattle is a crazy-hilly city...

And now, I really do apologize, Virginia. I'm back. And while I may have slept through the tornado (oops, I guess our second-story bedrooms weren't the safest places to be that night), I know that there are many in our area who suffered severe loss. And now, as the rain continues, and the rivers develop in my front and back yards (one of our rivers even has rapids), I want to apologize in advance for the flood that is coming. It's all my fault.


Karin Hopkins said...

Too bad it can't go the other way with really great weather too huh?! Don't forget your wedding day too with that aweful blizzard!

Susan said...

Karin brings up a good point - but that didn't stop people from coming to the reception! We had twice as many as were invited, and Grandmommy was worried the family room would collapse from the weight during the cutting of the cake! Bob

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