Thursday, April 16, 2009

When in Rome (or Stafford)

When in Stafford, you spend a lot of time with Marines.  They are seriously everywhere.  And when you spend a lot of time with Marines, your little boys totally switch loyalties.  Boys who once wanted to be Army-Men now want to be Marines.  Hmmm...  An interesting turn of events when you come from an Army family...
So what do you do when it's a rainy day during Spring Break and you have two hopeful Marines bouncing off the walls?  You take them to the Marine Corps Museum, of course!  So that's what we did.  And we enjoyed it thoroughly.
The boys' favorite part was the room representing the Toktong Pass, where we felt the cold, saw and heard the firing guns, and heard the panicked voices of the Marines in combat.  It felt very real.  And the boys, who walked into the room nervous, ended up joining in the battle with finger-guns and shooting noises.
I loved it all.  So much history all around me.  It really doesn't get much better than that.  But I did have a favorite part...
My favorite part was taking the boys upstairs to the second and third levels, where you look over the rest of the museum, seeing jets and helicopters up close.  Apparently, Jake has an issue with heights.  There we were, on a deck as wide as our living room surrounded by railings higher than his head, and Jake was plastered against the back wall.  Is it bad that I found his little problem absolutely hilarious?


Belkycita said...

I am trying not to laugh!!
I can't believe in about a week we;ll get to play with you!!!

The Bennett Family said...

Now if they were real men they would want to be Airman! J/K! It sounds like they have the coolest mom in history! Love ya!

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